
Just trying to hitch a ride on a Canadian bomber across the Atlantic, and buskyhusky decided he deserved some extra payment for hauling my ass across. Payment, he said. PLEASE EXCUSE ANY HISTORICAL INACCURACIES.

A Dog On Your Bed

If you came home and saw him on your bed, would you help him get off? <3

Always Together

Karmakat is having fun in the park with his mate Massak (the blueish husky) and their son Ryusei. You can see he has Kat’s mane and Massak’s tail. I had a lot of fun doing this one. I usually don’t get to draw cubs and for some reason I completely forgot to post this. Seeing […]

Pillow Fight

Here’s a commission that I got while I was at anthrocon. I don’ t know the FA accounts of everyone in the image, but clockwise from Redin the jumping otter we have Ket, Frisky, Dreamwolf, and Ryu. I was excited because I actually put (fairly) accurate shadows in the light coming through the windows, but […]

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