Lounging Laveur

A pic I did for Laveur for a commission he purchased at Further Confusion 2017.
Flipped Mutt

A naked wolf mutt shows how flexible he is to you. He’s also showing what big of a mess he can make too! Prints AvailableSheathed: http://inkedfur.com/print/flipped-mutt/Cummy: http://inkedfur.com/print/flipped-mutt-cummy/
Morning Laps

A liger after a brisk swim.
Writing Time

Always Together

Karmakat is having fun in the park with his mate Massak (the blueish husky) and their son Ryusei. You can see he has Kat’s mane and Massak’s tail. I had a lot of fun doing this one. I usually don’t get to draw cubs and for some reason I completely forgot to post this. Seeing […]