Lounging Laveur

A pic I did for Laveur for a commission he purchased at Further Confusion 2017.
Yotes Love Water


Kilo enjoying taking some photos of the sky. Print: https://inkedfur.com/print/astrophotographer-dressed/
Pet YCH with Ajna

Taking your pet to the dog park is a great treat for your pet and if good, they should be rewarded. Colors and sketch done by Ajna.Background and lines by myself.
Surfer Shep

West’s Movie Night

Sorry I haven’t posted in awhile! Still been doing art but been busy with FA United and other stuff. Here is West relaxing at home enjoying some TV action. http://inkedfur.com/print/wests-movie-night/

A dog and a cat enjoy the summer together. Prints!Nude: http://inkedfur.com/print/beachbreeze-adult/Swimsuits: http://inkedfur.com/print/beachbreeze/

When the sexy panther invited you to his house to show off his favorite past-time, you didn’t expect him to start playing you a song. However, the romance of it all had you feeling anything other than disappointed. Character belongs to Blue Panther. Prints available: http://inkedfur.com/print/sax-time/
Flipped Mutt

A naked wolf mutt shows how flexible he is to you. He’s also showing what big of a mess he can make too! Prints AvailableSheathed: http://inkedfur.com/print/flipped-mutt/Cummy: http://inkedfur.com/print/flipped-mutt-cummy/
Sexy Saki

What variant of Saki would you like today? This was a lot of fun!