Pet YCH with Ajna

Taking your pet to the dog park is a great treat for your pet and if good, they should be rewarded. Colors and sketch done by Ajna.Background and lines by myself.
Sub Training

Sangie’s teaching Trexler a thing or two about gobbling up big cock, doing a pretty good job too, I’m sure the tase of the cum will remind him of me for awhile. BeyondStars
Peace Pipe

A tribal wolf performing a ritual at a fire. Prints available:
Skate Park

A skater’s natural habitat… does he even have pants on??
A Werewolf and His Dog

Evening Dip in Paradise

Backdraft hanging out in an infinity pool.
Night Beach Dance

Pillow Fight

Here’s a commission that I got while I was at anthrocon. I don’ t know the FA accounts of everyone in the image, but clockwise from Redin the jumping otter we have Ket, Frisky, Dreamwolf, and Ryu. I was excited because I actually put (fairly) accurate shadows in the light coming through the windows, but […]